4 Tips for Successful Learning Online

MR JIM EU ORG - 4 Tips for Successful Online Learning : The current era is the era of technology, where it is marked by the development of information technology to make it easier for humans when they work, study, and others. This development is commonly referred to as the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 with the millennial generation. At that time, Gedget was very influential on human needs. Therefore, in the learning process, online use is also widespread, starting from Quipper, Ruang Guru, BISA, Schoology and so on.

4 Tips for Successful Learning Online

In online learning, at least between teachers must have mature readiness such as the curriculum, and the readiness of the material taught to students which is of course media-based and which must be uploaded online so that later students can be effective in learning. Besides that, students must also have the readiness to be successful in online learning, because online learning is the same as individual learning and no doubt a student sometimes feels bored within a certain period of time. For this reason, here I will share 4 tips for a successful student to learn online . What is it?, to answer it can see the following tips;

First, Serious and Serious in Learning. In one of the poems attributed to Imam Ash-Shafi'i, it is mentioned 6 things that must be possessed so that a person can gain knowledge. One of them is ijtihad (sincerity). Therefore, in any learning, such as online learning, our first step must be serious in studying. That way, we will be serious in studying individually without being asked by others to study.

Second, repetition. Repetition is repeating material. This is the tradition of the scholars. In one narration, Imam Al-Muzani (one of Imam Ash-Shafi'i's best students) said, "I have read Asy-Shafi'i's Ar-Risalah 50 times". Has anyone ever finished a book, from the beginning to the end, 50 times? From this, it can be concluded that in fact, repeating lessons is the most important technical step to gain knowledge. Therefore, after gaining knowledge online, we as students are not enough just to be there, but must be repeated so that we understand and memorize the lessons delivered better.

Third, intention. Intention is important in all our actions. It has been explained by the Prophet that all actions depend on intentions. Therefore, straighten the intention in learning. This should be in the first point. Intend to learn to gain the pleasure of Allah ta'ala. Then, clarify the learning objectives. What do you study shar'i knowledge for? That way we will focus on learning, because in general we already know the benefits of what we are going to learn.

Third, Set Time. Online learning is a medium for those who have difficulty in time and / or place to learn face to face (direct). It is not a solution for lazy learners. For those who are lazy to study, want to use any media, whether online or not, will not achieve success. Therefore, in learning anything, whether online or not, we must still manage our time specifically to focus on learning. That way, we will be calm while studying because there is already a special time that cannot be ruled out with other things.

Thus 4 Tips for Online Learning Success .  Hopefully these tips, useful for all. 

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